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SteelCity Round Table Podcast

Your Hosts

Mark Kneebone
I am an alcoholic ex-cop battling severe PTSD, depression, and a lifetime of poor decisions. I served 12 years in law enforcement as an officer and a narcotics detective. In May of 2024, after contemplating ending life, I checked myself into an inpatient rehabilitation center in Delray Beach, Florida. I continue to fight my battles with mental health, but I AM SOBER! I am advocate for the idea of redemption over struggles. We can overcome anything if we are willing to fight and accept the help that is all around us. I don’t hold back and say what I mean and feel. I believe that we, a society, have forgotten how to communicate, which includes listening. Many of our could be resolved if we were willing to open the lines of communication. A story is a way to that. Within every story, there is at least one lesson if not many. In my recovery journey, I have leaned on communication as a way to deal with my challenges. I have been given a second chance and will not waste any of it I am dedicated to discussing our experiences and all the dark, scary we spend our lives avoiding. I am by no means an example of what do or who to be. My hope is that my mistakes and misfires can help someone avoid the next worst decision. Welcome to the SCRT Podcast!

Natalie Snyder
Mom, wife, ADHDer, Criminal Defense Attorney, loud and bold Mental Health Advocate. Strong, independent, bratty, girly. I got involved in SCRT as a guest to chat being a domestic violence survivor and handling mental health issues. I am opinionated but compassionate. I don't do anything low key. I am determined to destroy the stigma around mental health with a huge sledgehammer. I will NEVER again shrink myself to be more palatable to others, they can choke. I want to take part in a very lost art, COMMUNICATION. Be warned, my filter often malfunctions. Being a part of SCRT is important to me because society has totally lost the ability and the desire to actually speak to people; the desire to discuss the tough stuff, has disappeared with everyone getting offended by everything. If I accomplish one thing being a part of SCRT, it is to get people talking and growing.

The Mission
Steel City Round Table is just that~ a roundtable; a place for open discussions free from judgement and criticism. We want to provide a platform for the underdog to be seen and heard, a safe place to let it all go. Our goal is to shine a light on the messy stuff like addiction, mental health, recovery, family dynamics, domestic abuse, law enforement and more—basically all the topics that make people awkwardly shuffle their feet like a misguided game of musical chairs. We can all learn from hearing stories about the day to day struggles we all face in our own lives. Our mission? It’s as obvious as a punch to the face! We strongly believe that society, as a general rule, tends to run from the tough topics. Unfortunately division and separatism seems to be the status quo. Natalie and I want to bring people together to help one another. We want you to become comfortable expressing the uncomfortable. We can't wait to share our stories, along with those of our incredible guests, all in the hopes that you leave with some helpful insights. Maybe thinking "At least I'm not as bad as those two!!"

Mark and Kells

Mark and Finn

RIP Kenny "Finn" Finnigan

Started with an idea!!
After coming home from treatment I was 47 days sober and full of fear of the unknown.....staying sober. My main dude Kenny "Finn" Finnigan was my rock during my very early sobriety. He talked me off many ledges when I was losing my mind. Finn also battled his own demons. We always talked about doing something amazing to help others. One day Finn just blurted out "let's start a podcast!" and so the SCRT family was born. In the beginning it was Finn, Me, Kelly "Kells" Gibson and John B. We found each other through our own personal journeys and put the SCRT into motion. Finn tragically passed on 6/1/2024. Kells and John B. have continued on their own individual paths. Natalie found her way into my world and she is a firecracker always keeping me on my toes!! Without these amazing people we would never be here. I thank you all for helping this thing along. Everything we do at the SCRT is in loving memory of my brother Finn. LFG!!!

Xelly and Mark (Dream Team)

Natalie and Mark
Living for today is freedom!!
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